Ok, we definitely had a blast last night at our friends house for New Year’s! But… WE ATE AND DRANK SO MUCH!!! So, like I have already challenged all of my followers and friends on Instagram to join my little #hungrydetox2017 party, I thought of making some super clean and super fresh, grilled eggplant „tacos“ with a smokey and spicy persimmon salsa.

Super easy, I started off with a base of eggplant „tortillas“, baked them inthe oven for about 20 mintutes to get them tender and then grilled them on a grill pan. And guess what: NO OIL!! It worked like a charm.

My new favorite salsa is made with persimmons. It used to be one of Dad’s favorite fruit, so I’m sort of emotionally attached to them. But, since they are in season and I’m a total Daddy’s girl ( yep, I can’t get enough of them either) I figured to make a fruity salsa using sweet persimmons. And that color is just beyonf anything, right?!

These oil free, sweet, smokey and spicy little bites are just perfect to just pop’em right in your mouth. Make a lot of them, because they’ll be gone in not time!




{serves 2}


2-3 eggplants sliced 2 cm thick slices

A few pinches of salt 

2-3 persimmons diced

1 small red onion finely diced

1|2 yellow chili thinly sliced

Juice of 2 limes

1|4 cup roughly chopped cilantro

1|2 tsp ground cumin

1|2 tsp whole black caraway seeds

1-2 tbsps extra virgin olive oil {optional leave out if you want this to be completely oil free}

Himalayan pink salt & black pepper to taste




Red beet slices

Pomegranate seeds

Thinly sliced chilis


Lime slices




1| Preheat the oven to 150 Degrees Celsius. Slice the eggplants, lay them down on a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt. After about 15 minutes pad them dry, as there will be lots of moisture on top of them. Once you did that, pop themn intothe preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes, flipping them once.


2| Meanwhile put the diced persimmons, diced onions and thinly sliced chilis in a bowl. Add the spices, lime juice, olive oil and cilantro and mix well. Season with salt and pepper to taste! 


3| Heat up a grill pan on medium high. Take the eggplant out of the oven and put them on the grill pan. flip once after a couple minutes.


4| Top each eggplant „tortilla“ with red beet slices, arugula, a dollop of the persimmon salsa, pomegranate seeds, chili and lime.


Enjoy them while they last!!