Vegan Oil Free Sugar Free Banana Bread

The word healthy is relative! It depends on what exactly healthy means to each individual. But since I’ve been receiving a lot of requests for a healthy banana bread recipe, I thought of what I could eliminate in the recipe to make it „healthier“: oil and sugar. It doesn’t mean that any other banana bread recipe containing oil or sugar is absolutely unhealthy but by substituting ingredients with fat and sugar contents that may be more beneficial to your bodies, this following recipe is less bad for you, I guess.

Vegan Oil Free Sugar Free Banana Bread

So instead of using my usual coconut oil and maple syrup, I’m using almond butter and dates. I was a bit worried if it would have the right consistency and sweetness, but after taste testing the first piece, I was sure, it worked perfectly! The banana bread has a subtle sweetness, has a good density – not to dense and not too crumbly – and is perfectly moist.

Prep Time 10 min

Bake Time 35-40 min

Total Time 45-50 min

Makes one regular size loaf


1 1/2 c organic spelt flour

1/2 c hazelnut meal (almond is fine too)

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 – 1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp vanilla bean powder

Pinch of salt

1/2 – 1  c plant milk of choice ( I used oat milk) – start with 1/2 c and add some more milk if too dry

2 heaping tbsp almond butter

1 heaping tbsp apple sauce (optional)

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

4 large or 6 small medjool dates (or any other soft date)

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 large or 3 small overripe bananas + 1 more for decoration

1-2 handfuls of walnuts chopped – reserve 1-2 tbsp for decoration


  1. Start by preheating the oven to 190°C. Then add the plant milk, the dates, the almond butter, apple sauce and apple cider vinegar into a high container and blend with a hand held mixer (or put into a blender) until smooth. Then add the chia seeds and let them soak until you’re finished with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Smash the bananas in a small bowl and set aside. Add all dry ingredients to a large bowl and mix with the soaked chia, alomd butter, apple sauce plant milk mix, add the bananas and walnuts and fold until combined. Pour the batter into a lined loaf and decorate with bananas coins and some chopped walnuts. Bake for 40-50 min or until a wooden pick comes out clean.
  3. Let the banana bread cool down completely until taking it out of the loaf pan and slicing it. Enjoy with hazelnut butter and a cup of coffee or tea!
Vegan Oil Free Sugar Free Banana Bread